Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses (23)

I'm not quite sure why these parameters cause the subject of the photo to appear significantly more detailed than the background. Is it possible that auto-focus (or something similar) is enabled here? Maybe I'm having a misunderstanding


As for Brandonlouie's question, I think the difference among these picture is due to the set of shutter speed and Aperture (f-number). A lower f-number (like f/1.8 or f/2.8) means a larger aperture, allowing more light to hit the sensor, which can create a shallower depth of field. This means that only a small plane of the image is in focus while the rest falls off into blur. So we can see a clear subject and a blurred forest in this picture. And a faster shutter speed, like 1/1600, lets in less light but captures a faster action without blur. It's useful for freezing motion, such as capturing the people surfing in the next picture.

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