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Lecture 15: Cameras & Lenses (41)

Are there specific advantages to increasing or decreasing the exposure for an extended time or scene? Is there a cost to amplifying the gain, even if marginal?


As to my knowledge, increasing exposure can help preserve details in shadows to prevent them from becoming too dark and losing information. Adjusting exposure compensation can also help control the overall contrast of an image. However, amplifying exposure too much can lead to clipping and cause noise to the image.


An analogy for exposure is if we are in a dark room we can add more light (irradiance) which will increase the exposure, we can wait and adjust to the light longer (exposure time) which will increase our exposure to the dark room or we could focus the limited light in the room (gain). Putting those all together arrives us at the exposure equation.


Is there a mathematical way to estimate the best exposure level given a particular scene or initial image. Obviously it is dependent on the photographer, but based on general photography preferences of the general public, how can exposure be automated. My guess would be to sample and if the proportion of dark pixels is under a certain range, raise exposure, and give versa.


One thing I learned about exposure from photography that's pretty interesting is that underexposure is better than overexposure and that you can't bring detail from true black and true white. However, digital techniques allow you to more easily bring the exposure up on underexposed photos than to bring it down on overexposed photos.


@aidangarde I wonder if we could leverage AI to tackle this problem. It seems difficult to identify "best" exposure levels as it is a somewhat subjective metric.

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