Lecture 17: Physical Simulation (17)

It's really interesting how grounded all these graphics concepts are in real physics. When I was doing the path tracer project, it amazed me to think about how all these complex calculations and renderings are in an attempt to model the real world digitally.

In this case, the two methods of implementing a solution for the inconsistencies for different discretizations reflects an understanding that for finer meshes, the force should be less for the same amount of deformation.


@ttonyxx Hi Tony, I definitely agree! It definitely amazes me how physics and these calculations are used to model real-world movement and reaction. For example on this slide, I thought I would never see the spring constant k again outside of my physics class, but I was pleasantly surprised to learn about it again.


Yeah, it's really amazing seeing all these different calculations add up in order to make some really realistic looking lighting and objects. In the brief time I've used blender, I didn't think I would be able to go through any of the math that went into making the image look real, and now we're even going into animation and physics which is so amazing


I also found it really interesting how much physics plays a role for simulating realistic models. Just like the pathtracer project, we draw a lot of parallels with real life mechanics to create hyper-realistic simulations.


I wonder if it's possible to measure strain over multiple springs instead of individual springs to save computation. Since springs near each other move in the same direction, I believe this would be possible.


@ttonyxx Fully agree! In addition, I want to add how amazing it feels to code up equations after a derivation - it's much more satisfying to see a tangible result than a proof. In addition, I love seeing the interconnection between different fields; for instance, when we used signal processing techniques to anti-alias images that I've primarily seen in different contexts before


I also think it's super cool how graphics exists in the middle ground between pure modelling of the world through physics and some optimizations and simplifications. Super cool to see adapting physics to work within our constraints


I think it's very interesting to see physics actually being applied in my cs classes that is more than just gravity. By adjusting the spring constant, devs can control the behavior of objects in simulations, ensuring they respond realistically to forces like gravity, collisions, or user interactions. This parameter is especially vital in applications, and motions look way more realistic.

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