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Lecture 17: Physical Simulation (18)

I wonder if it'd be practical to model triangle meshes with springs (as triangles fit nicely into the rendering pipeline). Though we can always split a square into two triangles which may suffice.


It is an interesting idea, but it may not always be practical in the context of real-time rendering pipelines. While triangles can fit neatly into rendering pipelines, the computational complexity of simulating a large number of interconnected springs for each triangle mesh can be significant. This complexity can pose challenges for achieving real-time performance, especially in dynamic simulations with complex geometry and interactions.


If we wanted to make a sheet material that was more stiff, we can adjust the spring constant associated with the springs. Could we also potentially just layer two sheets as well?


Looking at these different spring structures reminds me of how chemical compounds are structured and packaged in different types of crystalline solids. Depending on how a solid is atomically organized, it exhibits different torsional strength, packing efficiency, and pressure tolerance. I wonder if the concept of spring structure was inspired by this and if there are any similarities to draw from it?


I love how these concepts draw so many similarities from physics and from chemistry, as another student pointed out. For me, this helps with my understanding, as I can visualize these concepts much better knowing a previous similar framework.

I wonder what inspired this particular structure to represent strings? I definitely would not have thought of square sheets or cubes as a mode of string representation off the top of my head.


Could you do soft body physics with blocks of springs in that kind of arrangement? It feels like the right kind of object, but at the same time I don't know if it would properly be able to stand up. I guess similar to Homework 4 you can add springs with different spring constants and connecting different points to get the right kind of behavior. Would be interested to see something like this!


As @SKwon1220 mentioned, I also thought of atomic or molecular physical structures. I think it's really interesting how this concept, from a line to hair to the molecular level, is amazing. Based on the equations we've learned, I believe we can calculate its strength, flexibility, and possibly conductivity. Also, visualizing like this gives a clear view of how forces are distributed within a material. As I was looking at the transition of spring equations, are there more applications using springs?


Now knowing the three spring constraints required in a 2D sheet of point masses, I wonder what is required in order to create a 3D figure of point masses.

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