Lecture 18: Intro to Animation (15)

While not digital animation, this is a fun fan made video which replaced a lot of the iconic t-rex scenes with his cat! This is the making of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIoMT1WX4U

He does briefly touch on some CG but that is not the main focus of the content, its more of a fun how did I get my cat to do this with hints of how did I actually do the CG.


It’s pretty cool how the visuals in Jurassic Park were created from a blend of physical animatronics and computer-generated graphics. Using real animatronics really helps to sell the weight and scale of the dinosaurs in a way that technology at that time would have probably struggled to do, with the CGI serving as the finishing touch. It’s a common complaint at the moment that modern movies are reliant on CGI, often to a fault. Even though technology has come a long way, there are some cases where a special effect still looks more convincing when done practically than with CGI.

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