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Lecture 18: Intro to Animation (33)

It's interesting how many of these principles are exaggerated from real life. I guess it also depends on whether you are trying to make a realistic video of real life versus trying to portray a specific message / tell a story. In the former case, you might not want to exaggerate motions, but in the latter, deviating from "real reality" enables animators to give character and personality to different objects.


This was a really visually appealing, concise and intuitive way of demonstrating the twelve principles of animation. I find it interesting that to create "the illusion of life" that much exaggeration is involved.


After watching this video on the 12 animation principles, I have been a lot more observant of the different animations I watch. It is clear how animators utilize these different principles to captivate the audience, especially with the principle of exaggeration. I feel like exaggeration is the best way to show the magnitude of an action or scene to the audience.

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