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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (127)

Each pixel looks like its producing 3 colors to me. Am I seeing it correctly?


I believe that is to control the actual color of each pixel? It's probably just zoomed in so much that pure-white looks like all three colors at the same time in the image. If that's the case it's really cool to see each light combined in action, since I remember Veritasium had a video on the importance of blue LEDs. Since that allowed for the creation of a white colored LED by combining the blue with red and green (which already existed), and I would guess that by controlling the strength of each kind of light it could reproduce the other colors on the phone sceen.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but maybe it has a red, green, and blue pixel besides each other and adjusts its brighness in such a way that through the surround effects, the combination of RGB values comes out to closely match the target color through the human eye.

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