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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (13)

I was wondering how someone with colorblindness could see new colors through these lenses since it is the biology of the eye that causes them to not detect certain colors. It turns out that the lenses filter out some of the wavelengths that exist in both of the conflated colors (e.g. green and red) so then the two can be more easily differentiated.


As a person who has color blindness, when I first heard about these glasses, I couldn't imagine what they would look like. I haven't tried them yet due to the cost, but I would love to try them one day. Also, I think it is really interesting to see how they give color blind people visual aid. Tailoring to certain specific color vision deficiencies to be effective for particular vision is brilliant!


It's interesting that even differentiating colors is enough to invoke these kinds of reactions. Color blind people trying these glasses aren't seeing new colors, but still, just having their color perception change to be more practical and differentiating is such a huge deal. I definitely wouldn't expect that as someone with full-color vision, and I wish I could see what these glasses look like for someone with color blindness.


What these glasses do is filter specific wavelengths of light, enhancing the contrast between colors that are typically difficult for colorblind individuals to distinguish. However, these glasses modify the appearance of these colors rather than truly 'correcting' the color vision deficiency.

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