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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (19)

Wow, its really interesting how these different methods cause the rose to change colors. I wonder if theres any art out there that utilizes these methods to give pictures double meanings


In response to Alson's comment, I'm sure there are! The Getty Conservation Institute has an entire section of art specifically dedicated to color science. Additionally, I'm sure there are several entries in the "museum" that delve into how color science and color-changing can affect the meaning of a piece of art on their own. Pretty sure you can find a lot of the Institute's artwork online, along wit descriptions of the pieces given by both critics and the creators alike.


This is a monochromatic example, but an art duo named Carnovsky makes very cool art pieces whose interpretation changes based on applying red, green, or blue filters to the image:


It's really interesting because on macOS, there's modes that support different types of colorblind. Which reflects these filters. However, there has been many reviews on how they don't really work.

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