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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (20)

As someone with colorblindness, these images look very interestin. I wonder how accurate these truly are and if people percieve colors differently.


How do we figure out how the color look like in a colorblindness people? I mean, we can never ask a colorblindness people to desrcribe the colors they saw. So how do we get these pictures?


In response to J1ungle's question, this is such a great thought that I'm sure most of us have briefly wondered in passing at some point in our lives. I figured that we would try to associate colors with emotions, so I looked it up for confirmation. The following website goes into really good detail for how one might describe color to a color blind person. By that same logic, assuming that we all feel certain emotions/feelings associated to the same colors (like anger/love to the color red), I think their descriptions would also work for how a color blind person might describe the colors they see to someone else? Link:,like%20sunshine%20on%20your%20face.


^That is very cool! I originally misunderstood and thought we could reverse engineer the colors. On second thought that seems unlikely on screen.


Deutan and Protan look the same to me, and the Tritan flower and Normal flower look the same too. Anybody else?


To weight in on the comment made by @colinsteidtmann, the normal one looks very rich in colors with a lot of various shades. The tritan pinks and red hues are similar but duller overall, like the Twilight lighting. Protan is all green and yellows hues but still bright/"powder-y" and Duetan (icky, sicky tones) is the same palette but duller. I think this touches on what @AnikethPrasad mentions earlier about perceiving color differently!!

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