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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (77)

We can extend this topic to see how SPD is used in lighting design for various spaces. For example, a restaurant might want a warmer tone that creates a certain atmosphere in a space. Meanwhile, a cooler light tone might be used in a hospital which often is brighter and whiter that usually triggers some level of alertness in us. While often subjective, SPD is a crucial aspect of lighting decisions that people consider daily.


The spectral power distribution (SPD) is a way of characterizing the intensity of light at different wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum. For visible light, which humans can perceive, the SPD describes how much light is present at each wavelength within the visible range, typically from about 400 to 700 nanometers (nm).


It is interesting that in Physics 112, we learned about the SPD as well when we talked about Black Body Radiation. This is very important in color science and color reproduction!

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