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Lecture 19: Intro To Color Science (9)

The ability to render an image using vivid color and in a live way is essential to the performance of a displayer, and that's why the displayer from different brands has different prices. The screen from Samsung and Sony have impressive display performance.


I wanted to look into why certain materials in nature looked iridescent, and found that iridescence can result from interactions between thin layers of material; this is known as thin-film iridescence. Each layer reflects back its own light wave. When light reflected from an upper layer collides with light reflected from a bottom layer, the light waves can combine to either increase or decrease the vibrancy of the output color. The collisions between these light waves results in the hue shifts observed when inspecting an iridescent surface from different angles. Thin-film iridescence can be observed in objects like bubbles, bird feathers, or butterfly wings.

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