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Lecture 2: Drawing Triangles (66)

Point sampling is the simplest form to render the triangle, which would lead to aliasing / jaggies that can look "wrong" since things that should be straight lines look more like stair cases.

Visual perception matters a lot when rendering to pixels - I assume there's algorithms we'll be learning about to solve these issues?


I think point sampling is "wrong" in the same way "jaggies" look wrong: we as humans feel that these visualizations should be continuous, not discrete, and so expect our pixel images to be the same. This image is maintained when we have pixel images of decent resolution, but when the resolution is not as fine, we become uncomfortable viewing these shapes as discrete approximations.


Coming back to this lecture after the full semester has passed, I can definitely say that point sampling is inefficient to smooth rendering of pixels because it only samples per point (leaving lots of room for it to appear jagged). Meanwhile, methods like supersampling allows us to sample subpoints and smaller units of points so that the size of jaggies are reduced and the image looks smoother.

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