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Lecture 2: Drawing Triangles (67)

I'll do my best to answer questions 1 and 2:

Framebuffers are areas of memory that hold info related to pixels, like what color they should be. Raster displays are where those pixels are located!

Triangles are neat geometric primitives which we can use to make pretty much any shape possible. They're always planar and I think the best example of this is the one Ren gave in class: 'imagine you put two points of the triangle on your table, then you try to make the third point located above your table. This wouldn't be a triangle. All points must be on the same plane'. Finally, if we focus on drawing triangle really well then we will be able to draw other things super well.

Also, a note on "rasterization," I looked up the term in the textbook. It's related to the method of rendering called "Object-Order Rendering" aka "rendering by rasterization" which is drawing objects one by one onto the screen. Rasterization is the process of finding all the pixels in an image that are occupied by a geometric primitive.

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