Lecture 23: Virtual Reality (26)

Interesting to see the internals of the VR headset I own!


A 120 Hz refresh rate in a device like that is so cool so see. I wonder what the refresh rate needs to be in order to really mimic the real world without noticing the difference.


@S-Muddana I remember actually there was a huge debate about this many years ago with the PS2/PS3 and Xbox 360/One. Basically consoles could display at most 30fps or so while a standard computer monitor could display 60fps nominally. People would use that as an argument to say that a computer is better. However, there were some studies that said "the human eye can only see 24fps" though I don't quite believe that. A bunch of youtube videos colloquially investigating this topic if you go search.


I actually think that FPS does matter. I've played on monitors with 240hz all the way to 30hz and there is a noticeable difference in the quality of game that I am seeing. Although the difference between 240 and 165hz monitors isn't too much, there is a huge difference between 60hz and 144hz which can really make the difference in terms of viewing.

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