Filtering out very high and low frequencies is called bandpass filtering. Removing high frequencies denoises the image while removing low frequencies enhances edges. Thus, band pass filters can be used as both edge and general shape detection. Source:
In digital photo editing software like Lightroom or Photoshop, a similar process called "Unsharp masking" could be applied to sharpen the edges of a photo and reduce blur. The process could be simplified as applying a Gaussian blur to a copy of the original image, then subtracting the blurry image from the original image, cutting off the low-frequency parts, and sharpening the image. This technique was invented in darkroom photography (film photography processing), where a blurred positive copy was made with special materials. This mask also effectively reduces the dynamic range of the negative. The resulting print will appear more acute than the original. Source:
Different frequency bands can be thought of as a "decomposition" of an image which can have many interesting applications such as image blending where two patterns smoothly blend together to create digital arts.
Filtering out very high and low frequencies is called bandpass filtering. Removing high frequencies denoises the image while removing low frequencies enhances edges. Thus, band pass filters can be used as both edge and general shape detection. Source:
In digital photo editing software like Lightroom or Photoshop, a similar process called "Unsharp masking" could be applied to sharpen the edges of a photo and reduce blur. The process could be simplified as applying a Gaussian blur to a copy of the original image, then subtracting the blurry image from the original image, cutting off the low-frequency parts, and sharpening the image. This technique was invented in darkroom photography (film photography processing), where a blurred positive copy was made with special materials. This mask also effectively reduces the dynamic range of the negative. The resulting print will appear more acute than the original. Source:
Different frequency bands can be thought of as a "decomposition" of an image which can have many interesting applications such as image blending where two patterns smoothly blend together to create digital arts.