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Lecture 5: Texture (1)

Why did prof Ng consider texture mapping a hack? What is the "correct" solution for this


Texture mapping feels very intuitive for objects such as balls and floors since the shapes are pretty simple. But are there cases where texture mapping becomes too complex to be feasible, for example many, small complex shapes like fur? If so, what other methods are used instead?


I'm also curious about things like skin- I've noticed that in many of the movies or even video games I've played, the most 'unrealistic' part is usually the skin texture. For example, if anyone here has played any sports video game like Fifa, NBA 2K, MLB the Show, or Madden, there's just something about the skin textures on players that never quite lives up to the realism. Is this a texture mapping issue? A compute issue?


In response to aravmisra’s observation, this could be the result of bump mapping. A game developer would be more likely to use bump maps for details like skin texture instead of displacement maps, as displacing a mesh for every single pore or wrinkle on someone’s skin would be an enormous computational burden. The games listed in particular are games where players are usually in motion. A game developer might not prioritize detailed textures in that case because the constant movement would help disguise imperfections like flat shading. Because the players’ skin might be rendered with bump mapping, it makes sense that these textures would look quite a bit flatter than they would in real life.


Hey aravmisra. I found this research paper (linked below) online that discusses image processing techniques as they relate to skin texture, and how different factors have a tendency to create severe variance in different skin types. For example, collagen, moisture, hydration, diet, skincare, hormones, and other factors all create different types of skin textures, so I assume this leads to developers using what weintalie suggested above: bump mapping. Prioritizing skin texture in a game like 2K would probably be expensive and unnecessary as it relates to the game itself, but that's just my guess. Here's the link:

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