When evaluating an image/video, would we want to look at the texture first or the lighting first? How is lighting impacted by an object's texture?
@jfwang983 Great question! I guess this depends on the specific case. But I do think that textures are usually considered first to define the surface properties of objects. Then, lighting calculations are applied to these textured surfaces.
Since the lighting/shading process discussed in lecture 6 (the Blinn-Phong reflection model) adds constant color or modifies existing color values at certain locations, it makes sense that calculating lighting would occur after pasting a texture mapping or defining surface properties.
When evaluating an image/video, would we want to look at the texture first or the lighting first? How is lighting impacted by an object's texture?
@jfwang983 Great question! I guess this depends on the specific case. But I do think that textures are usually considered first to define the surface properties of objects. Then, lighting calculations are applied to these textured surfaces.
Since the lighting/shading process discussed in lecture 6 (the Blinn-Phong reflection model) adds constant color or modifies existing color values at certain locations, it makes sense that calculating lighting would occur after pasting a texture mapping or defining surface properties.