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Lecture 6: The Rasterization Pipeline (20)

An interesting application of Lambert's law is with performance optimization. In practical applications, graphics engines can optimize rendering workflows by defining the intensity of light based on the angle of incidence. For example, surfaces that don't directly face the light (where cos(theta) approaches 0) can be excluded from detailed lighting calculations. This optimization is very important for things like video games and simulations that need to run smoothly in real-time.


This is an interesting article that visually explains why certain surfaces produce diffuse reflections and why some produce specular highlights. It has to do with the roughness of a surface which scatters light in all directions.,smooth%20or%20have%20macro%2Droughness.


Here we see an explantation of the concept of diffuse reflection, a fundamental aspect of how light interacts with surfaces. Diffuse reflection occurs when light hits a surface and scatters uniformly in all directions, which means the color of the surface appears the same from any viewing angle. This property is described by Lambert's cosine law, indicating that the intensity of light reflected is proportional to the cosine of the angle (θ) between the incident light and the surface normal (n). The illustrations demonstrate this law by showing how a cube's top face receives a certain amount of light directly, while a rotated cube intercepts less light due to the angle, illustrating the cosine relationship between the angle of incidence and the intensity of the reflected light. This principle is vital for creating realistic renderings of objects in computer graphics.

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