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Lecture 8: Mesh Processing & Geometry Processing (24)

The half edge data structures have many pointers. Does this cause issues with memory fragmentation? Are there other structures that enforce a greater degree of locality (e.g. making sure that triangles that are close by geometrically are also close in memory?


To respond to rahulk29, I think if there are many meshedits, memory fragmentation would be unavoidable for the entire object if we kept this ds as such. But I do agree that it seems like there are just too many structs per mesh lol, at some point it's probably more cache friendly to keep things within one struct, but i guess at the cost of flexibility.


I'm curious as to why within the struct Edge we only have one reference to one of its halfhedges? When you want to access the other halfedge related to it, you'd then need to access the prior halfedge and I'm wondering if that is the most efficient solution.


After finishing my final project which involved Unity meshes, I'm confused to why everyone does not use the half-edge data structure to represent meshes. I had a lot of difficulty with iterating throughout the mesh efficiently without half-edges. Is creating a half-edge mesh computationally intensive?

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