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Lecture 8: Mesh Processing & Geometry Processing (25)

This is a really interesting data structure. Starting from a half-edge of the face, it processes the vertex at the base of the half-edge, then moves to the next half-edge in the loop. This process repeats until it returns to the starting half-edge. This method is much more efficient than other representations for certain operations, such as finding adjacent faces or vertices, which can be done in constant time. However, these operations can also require more complex searching or indexing in other data structures. I like how it can be used for applications that require frequent navigation and manipulation of a mesh, such as modeling and also mesh editing.


I was a bit confused what the vertices were in the slide and thought the vertices were pointed to by the halfedges. This is not the case. For example, starting at the halfedge, or h, in the image, the vertex after doing h->vertex would be the bottommost vertex. Similarly, the vertex of h->next->vertex would be the topmost vertex.


What kinds of applications would need separate concepts of edges and halfedges? Do edges usually need to store additional information besides pointers to its corresponding half edges?

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