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Lecture 8: Mesh Processing & Geometry Processing (26)

I was confused about what it means to have consistent orientation so here it is:

A consistent orientation means that the half-edges around a face form a clockwise or counter-clockwise cycle, and the opposite half-edges form the opposite cycle. This ensures that the normal vectors of the faces point in the same direction, and that the half-edges can be easily traversed in either direction.


To reword/clarify grafour's statement:

The "opposite" half-edges do not form an "opposite" cycle in terms of clockwise or counterclockwise cycle but rather the half edges along some shared edge point in opposite directions. This results in the same clockwise or counter-clockwise orientation for adjacent faces.


I wonder how GPU implementation efficiently parallelize mesh traversal. It seems like a fairly expensive O(n) operation


I was a bit confused about how vertices and half-edges referenced one another. From my understanding a vertex references one of its half-edges, but how do we know which half-edge?


So one half-edge is enough to traverse the entire mesh right? Like it contains pointers eventually to every other half-edge that's been declared

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