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Lecture 9: Ray Tracing & Acceleration Structures (25)

in many complex rendering scenes, need to test if the hit point is inside the triangle many times, posing challenge on computing power




A lot of times, not only are we rendering an image, but also a moving image, with lots of animated parts. I'm sure that these moving parts cost even more time to render, considering that each frame has to render smoothly. It seems with ray tracing, since it's so slow, it would cause the scenes to be jagged, with each frame rendering very slowly. What are the techniques used to optimize this? Do bounding boxes solve this problem?


It seems immediately difficult to take a single ray/line and calculate it with differing levels of precision at different parts in space. What ways are there to solve this problem (or is it poorly defined)? Instead, we might want to calculate more rays/light for fine-grained parts of the 3d space (different problem)

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