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Lecture 9: Ray Tracing & Acceleration Structures (26)

I'm wondering how much computing power this and the image in the previous slide took to render in relation to how much power would be needed to render them with the use of bounding volumes. How much of a speedup do bounding volumes provide, and are there further optimizations that can be made?




On Thursday (1:14:20-ish), Professor Ng mentioned we could use a 2D grid structure (aligned with the ground plane) rather than a 3D grid would work better here (to reduce redundancy?). I am a bit confused about how this would work on this image -- would the "heights" of the objects not be taken into account if we just use a 2D grid?


For optimizing ray tracing, I was thinking about creating a lookup table for each distance to a point, and whenever we detect the same distance between two points, we could use the lookup table to compute. I believe this method could reduce the time it takes to calculate each point's ray. However, there is also a problem with my solution: if we were to have a lookup table for each distance, it could be very inefficient in terms of memory. Moreover, it could be useless if the distances between the origin and the points are all unique. In this case, I would need to have a lookup table for every single one of the points. I think this is interesting thing to think about how we can optimize it!


One approach is to sample more rays for objects that are closer to the camera. and direct less rays towards further objects. The reason being that closer objects will tend to reflect more light towards the viewer.

  • theflyingpie In relation to the computing power, I think this is a good comment. I also wonder if there are other ways to speed it up, in light of HW3. What kind of qualitative benefits would the different methods have? Since there are more parts of the image covered with triangles, I wonder if results would differ from our HW
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