Task 1: Diffuse BSDF

Relevant lecture slides

In order to get render images with realisitic shading, we need a BSDF! First, implement the functions DiffuseBSDF::f and DiffuseBSDF::sample_f in bsdf.cpp. The function DiffuseBSDF::f takes as input the incoming solid angle wi and the outgoing solid angle wo and returns f(wi -> wo). The function DiffuseBSDF::sample_f is slightly different, it must first actually sample wi and also return values for both it and the pdf of the sample that was chosen. (Use the BSDF's sampler object to get this sample.)

Task 2: Direct lighting

Now that you have one material at your disposal, we can implement direct lighting estimations! You will implement two methods for estimation in pathtracer.cpp. The first is estimate_direct_lighting_hemisphere, in which we estimate the direct lighting on a point by sampling uniformly in a hemisphere, and the second is estimate_direct_lighting_importance, in which we instead use importance sampling by sampling all the lights directly. The functions are called by one_bounce_radiance in order to get an estimate of the direct lighting at a point that a ray hits - don't worry about this function yet.

Uniform hemisphere sampling

Fill in estimate_direct_lighting_hemisphere. At a high level, it should take samples in a uniform hemisphere around the point of interest (hit_p), and for each ray that intersects a light source, compute the incoming radiance from that light source, then convert it to the outgoing radiance using the BSDF at the surface, and finally average across all samples.

The starter code at the top of the function uses the input intersection normal to calculate a local coordinate space for the object hit point. In this frame of reference, the normal to the surface is (0,0,1)(0,0,1) (so zz is "up" and x,yx,y are two other arbitrary perpendicular directions). We compute this transform because the BSDF functions you will define later expect the normal to be (0,0,1)(0,0,1).

Additionally, in this coordinate system the cosine of the angle between a direction vector w_in and the normal vector Vector3D(0,0,1) is simply w_in.z. (Recall that the cosine of the angle between two unit vectors is equal to their dot product.)

We store the transformation from local object space to world space in the matrix o2w. This matrix is orthonormal, thus o2w.T() is both its transpose and its inverse -- we store this world to object transform as w2o.

Matrix3x3 o2w;
make_coord_space(o2w, isect.n);
Matrix3x3 w2o = o2w.T();

For your later convenience, we store a copy of the hit point in its own variable:

const Vector3D& hit_p = r.o + r.d * isect.t;

We also calculate the outgoing direction w_out in the local object frame. Remember that this should be opposite to the direction that the ray was traveling.

const Vector3D& w_out = w2o * (-r.d);

Lastly, we've included the number of samples (num_samples) you should take at this point. It is equal to the number of samples that you will take in the next part in importance sampling, so that we can clearly see the difference in de-noising power from the two sampling methods.

You need to implement the following steps:

  1. To get each sample, use the member variable hemisphereSampler, and calculate the pdf.

  2. Cast a ray from our hit point in the sample direction, testing against the bvh to see if it intersects the scene anywhere. Some things to note:

    • You should pass bvh->intersect a Ray, and a pointer to an Intersection, and it will not only return a bool representing if anything was intersecting, but it will also save information on the intersection in the Intersection you passed over.
    • The direction of the ray should be what you sampled from hemisphereSampler, transformed to world space: Vector3D wi_world = o2w * wi, where wi is the direction of the ray.
    • You should offset the origin of the ray from the hit point by the tiny global constant EPS_D (i.e., add EPS_D * wi_world to hit_p to get the shadow ray's origin). If you don't do this, the ray will frequently intersect the ray's origin triangle at the same spot again because of floating point imprecision.
  3. If it hits something, get the intersected material's emitted light by calling intersect.bsdf->get_emission() on your Intersection.

  4. Accumulate this result (with the correct multiplicative factors) inside L_out.

Factors to remember when summing up the radiance values in L_out:

  • get_emission() returns an incoming radiance. To properly transform it to irradiance, you should multiply it by the BSDF and a cosine term.
  • Make sure to average what you've accumulated correctly.
  • Remember to weight by your pdf as described in the lecture on Monte Carlo Integration.

To test your results, updateest_radiance_global_illumination() to return estimate_direct_lighting_hemisphere(). Now, you should be able to render any CB scenes with lambertian diffuse BSDFs, like CBspheres_lambertian (not CBspheres) and CBbunny.

At this point, here are the results of the commands

./pathtracer -t 8 -s 16 -l 8 -m 6 -H -f CBbunny_16_8.png -r 480 480 ../dae/sky/CBbunny.dae


./pathtracer -t 8 -s 64 -l 32 -m 6 -H -f CBbunny_64_32.png -r 480 360 ../dae/sky/CBbunny.dae

Now you should be able to render nice direct lighting effects such as area light shadows and ambient occlusion, albeit without full global illumination. However, you will only be able to render files with Lambertian diffuse BSDFs, as we have not yet implemented any of the other BSDFs. Also note that with this method, you can't render scenes with point light sources (like bunny.dae and dragon.dae), since our outgoing rays will never intersect with them!

Importance sampling by sampling over lights

Our results from uniform hemisphere sampling are quite noisy! While they will converge to the correct result, we can do better.

Fill in estimate_direct_lighting_importance. At a high level, it should sum over every light source in the scene, taking samples from the surface of each light, computing the incoming radiance from those sampled directions, then converting those to outgoing radiance using the BSDF at the surface. Namely, instead of uniformly sampling in a hemisphere, we sample each light directly.

You need to implement the following steps:

  1. Loop over every SceneLight in the PathTracer's vector of light pointers scene->lights.

  2. For each light, check if it is a delta light. If so, you only need to ask the light for 1 sample (since all samples would be the same). Else you should ask for ns_area_light samples in a loop.

  3. To get each sample, call the SceneLight::sample_L() function. This function requests the ray hit point hit_p and returns both the incoming radiance as a Spectrum as well as 3 values by pointer. The values returned by pointer are

    • a probabilistically sampled wi unit vector giving the direction from hit_p to the light source,
    • a distToLight float giving the distance from hit_p to the light source, and
    • a pdf float giving the probability density function evaluated at the returned wi direction.
  4. The wi direction returned by sample_L is in world space. In order to pass it to the BSDF, you need to compute it in object space by calculating Vector3D w_in = w2o * wi.

  5. Check if the z coordinate of w_in is negative -- if so, you can continue the loop since you know the sampled light point lies behind the surface.

  6. Cast a shadow ray from the intersection point towards the light, testing against the bvh to see if it intersects the scene anywhere. Two subtleties:

    • You should set the ray's max_t to be the distance to the light, since we don't care about intersections behidn the light source.
    • You should offset the origin of the ray from the hit point by the tiny global constant EPS_D (i.e., add EPS_D * wi to hit_p to get the shadow ray's origin). If you don't do this, the ray will frequently intersect the ray's origin triangle at the same spot again because of floating point imprecision.
  7. If the ray does not intersect the scene, you can calculate the BSDF value at w_out and w_in. Accumulate the result (with the correct multiplicative factors) inside L_out.

Similar to hemisphere sampling, here are some factors to remember when summing up the radiance values in L_out:

  • sample_L returns an incoming radiance. To properly transform it to irradiance, you should multiply it by the BSDF and a cosine term.
  • You are summing up some number of samples per light. Make sure you average them correctly.
  • The sample_L routine samples from a light. It does this using some probability distribution which can bias the sample towards certain parts of the light -- you need to account for this fact by using the returned pdf value when summing radiance values.

To test your results, updateest_radiance_global_illumination() to return estimate_direct_lighting_importance().

At this point, here are the results of the commands

./pathtracer -t 8 -s 64 -l 32 -m 6  -f dragon_64_32.png -r 480 480 ../dae/sky/dragon.dae


./pathtracer -t 8 -s 64 -l 32 -m 6  -f bunny_64_32.png -r 480 360 ../dae/sky/CBbunny.dae

Much better! We've drastically reduced noise, and solved our issue with intersecting with point light sources. Remember that you will be running experiments to compare these two methods for the write-up.


Don't forget to read this article for writeup instructions!