Are the sizes of these planets the size of their projections onto the outer surface of Earth (i.e. from where would we see a moon the size of London)?
The moon is about 1/400th of the size of the sun and the Sun is 400 times as far, Since their projected areas are equal, we can have eclipses!
@aliceshan, from what I understood Ren saying in lecture, these are indeed the size of their projections onto the outer surface of Earth. I guess for these to make visual sense, we would have to be in something like the International Space Station to visualize this!
Are the sizes of these planets the size of their projections onto the outer surface of Earth (i.e. from where would we see a moon the size of London)?
The moon is about 1/400th of the size of the sun and the Sun is 400 times as far, Since their projected areas are equal, we can have eclipses!
@aliceshan, from what I understood Ren saying in lecture, these are indeed the size of their projections onto the outer surface of Earth. I guess for these to make visual sense, we would have to be in something like the International Space Station to visualize this!