By combining psuedo-random numbers with a set of constraints, we could generate some cool imagery, including ones that may appear on seashells. For example, in one of my personal projects, I utilized pseudo-random numbers to create a random walk. To make the walk more “interesting”, I decided to add constraints that would create symmetrical/aesthetic patterns. For example, I added the “self-avoiding” feature to the walk, essentially making it a self-avoiding random walk (SAW). I also created a reflective pattern so that every step the path is being reflected 90, 180, and 270 degrees. Importantly, I added the constraint that it cannot intersect with its reflected paths. Here is a screenshot of my SAW in 2D:
By combining psuedo-random numbers with a set of constraints, we could generate some cool imagery, including ones that may appear on seashells. For example, in one of my personal projects, I utilized pseudo-random numbers to create a random walk. To make the walk more “interesting”, I decided to add constraints that would create symmetrical/aesthetic patterns. For example, I added the “self-avoiding” feature to the walk, essentially making it a self-avoiding random walk (SAW). I also created a reflective pattern so that every step the path is being reflected 90, 180, and 270 degrees. Importantly, I added the constraint that it cannot intersect with its reflected paths. Here is a screenshot of my SAW in 2D: