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Lecture 13: Global Illumination and Path Tracing (17)

In practice, how does this reflection model affect color? Does it operate on the R, G, and B channels separately? I imagine it is also based off of whatever the real world version of this paint does - can certain materials actually do this for only certain colors?


My guess is that you can add a wavelength parameter to the light that is emitted and reflected from sources. So, my though is that along with the amount of light there is along a ray, we will also be given ate what wavelength. The wavelength of the light will change based on the reflection properties.

I could be completely wrong, so I am curious also as to the exact implementation.


does anyone have an intuitive description for how the colors are determined in this kind of paint (i.e. why it would be green in certain areas)?


It seems that certain wavelengths are reflected more at certain angles. So at angles closer to the surface normal, more green light gets reflected, which is why the parts of the teapot directly facing the camera appear green.


Is this related to those materials that appear different depending on what angle you view them from?


I'm still a bit confused about this material. Why does it appear different at different angles? Is it because the paint applied is not smooth?

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