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Lecture 16: Light Field Cameras (6)

I have to say I really enjoyed this demonstration because I have never heard of nor encountered light field photographs before this lecture and it amazes me how we can now modify the focus or orientation of a photo after it's been taken. I read online that Lytro has unfortunately been shut down recently but I hope this type of technology flourishes within the next decade or so. I'd really like to be able to do this myself one day.


How does the changing orientation of the camera after the photo has been taken work?


@muminovic Since you have captured the same scene from different "angles", you can reconstruct the same image as if it was taken at different angles. Note that the change in orientation cannot be very drastic.


In what cases would this application really be needed? I'm assuming that when you take a picture of an object, you would have done so because you were happy with the image. Unless, I guess, you were editing later on and realised that it wasn't focused properly or something. In which case, wouldn't changing other factors not change that?


I don't understand why Lytro was so focused on VR. Isn't this technology already crazy cool? Why isn't it used on cell phones?


This is probably not done on phones just because it wouldn't be cost efficient to have that many cameras on a phone. Though, it does remind me a little bit of how portrait mode works on the latest iPhones, with how its two different cameras capture different depths of a picture and use the information to add blur.

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