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Lecture 25: Virtual & Augmented Reality (11)

A demonstration of Ivan Sutherland's head mounted AR display:


The system here keeps track of the head's position, and conveys this information to the computer in order to match up with the head's movements. This definitely reminds me of a early version of "motion-sensing." It's also interesting to note that, despite this being something back from '68, there's still a very clear resemblance to modern-day VR headset technology ("Sword of Damocles" aspect of it aside, that is.)


On the note of the history of VR, the stereoscope was a 19th century toy that allowed one to view stereoscopic images to see a 3D image ( Later on, while the Sword of Damocles was a great demonstration of gaze-oriented 3D rendering and head tracking, one of the more interesting "VR" experiments that focused on immersion was Morton Heilig’s Sensorama (, a simulation of a motorcycle ride through Brooklyn complete with sound and smell.

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