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Lecture 5: Texture Mapping (9)

Tiling is the solution for a question I had earlier: how do you store texture information for large scenes? For example in games, you have multiple rooms each of which has it's own texture: do you store the texture for each object separately? - Yes store each texture separately and mark where you want which texture.


Somewhat related to ^, if in games you've ever messed around with the camera angle/viewed in locations the game doesn't really 'expect' you to look at, your game camera can sometimes go 'inside' a surface and you see that all the rendered objects of the scene are just 2d surface areas with applied textures in our 3d scene. A classic example is Minecraft - if you ever fall off the world you can aim the camera up and see the world from underneath the surface. For large scenes in games, the efficient approach pretty much seems to have all 3d objects really be 2d surface areas, with different textures designated to map to them as detailed in the above comment. And as you start to enter a part of the game where these objects come up, these are then rendered to the screen.

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