Voxel is also a way to represent geometry and here is link that tells you more about it: https://medium.com/retronator-magazine/pixels-and-voxels-the-long-answer-5889ecc18190 . Here is also a paper that use 3D voxel grids to do 3D detection if you are interested: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.06396.pdf
Point cloud is usually a point cloud is just a set of points, maybe with the properties of each point for example the RBG values. Here are some good point cloud datasets: http://modelnet.cs.princeton.edu/ .
Voxel is also a way to represent geometry and here is link that tells you more about it: https://medium.com/retronator-magazine/pixels-and-voxels-the-long-answer-5889ecc18190 . Here is also a paper that use 3D voxel grids to do 3D detection if you are interested: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.06396.pdf
Point cloud is usually a point cloud is just a set of points, maybe with the properties of each point for example the RBG values. Here are some good point cloud datasets: http://modelnet.cs.princeton.edu/ .