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Lecture 7: Geometry And Splines (60)

Highly recommend playing around with the link. I found it super cool to actually visualize how the control points can affect the shape of the curve


Another cool link to try is this:


These curves are the same thing as the path tool in Gimp. I use this tool a lot, and it really helped with gaining a physical intuition as to how this process works.

I would recommend getting Gimp, it's free, and trying out the path tool especially to see how these curves can be used for image processing.


Many design tools like illustrator will allow bezier curves to be manipulated by a tool typically named "path tool". Path tools are sometimes somewhat unintuitive to work with. Figma, a design tool in the browser, decided to introduce an alternative to the path tool they called vector networks. A vector network improves on the path model by allowing lines and curves between any two points instead of requiring that they all join up to form a single chain.

They discussed on their blog how they implemented the tool both technically and the user research they did for this.

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