If anyone has ever used Autodesk Maya it also implements Catmull-Clark to make meshes smoother. It might be helpful to visualize this process by watching a tutorial on it to see examples of different types of objects being smoothed.
I remembered attending this very cool talk by Dr. Tony DeRose (Berkeley CS Alum!) a couple years ago. He's an animator at Pixar and held a EdX talk where he actually demonstrates this principle right here (link: https://bit.ly/2FfjxW2). He also talks about Geri's game (that mesh in this slide is Geri's face), where subdivision surfaces were first used! Pretty cool talk to see what we're learning in action :)
If anyone has ever used Autodesk Maya it also implements Catmull-Clark to make meshes smoother. It might be helpful to visualize this process by watching a tutorial on it to see examples of different types of objects being smoothed.
I remembered attending this very cool talk by Dr. Tony DeRose (Berkeley CS Alum!) a couple years ago. He's an animator at Pixar and held a EdX talk where he actually demonstrates this principle right here (link: https://bit.ly/2FfjxW2). He also talks about Geri's game (that mesh in this slide is Geri's face), where subdivision surfaces were first used! Pretty cool talk to see what we're learning in action :)