C^1 continuity means that the first derivative is continuous (e.g. not the absolute value function), where C^2 continuity means that the second derivative is continuous.
Just tacking on to the above answer: Continuity is generally associated with smoothness. So C^0 means that a curve or surface is continuous and has no gaps, but may have some sharp bends. C^1 continuity means that the equation associated with the curve or surface exhibits first derivative continuity. C^2 is the same as C^1, except second derivative continuity.
So what is the exact statement here? Sorry I am a bit out of context probably. But which object are we saying is C^1 / C^2 continuous?
After listening to lecture it seems to be that "in the limit the mesh converges to a C1/C2 surface". Is this correct?
What does 1,2 mean?
C^1 continuity means that the first derivative is continuous (e.g. not the absolute value function), where C^2 continuity means that the second derivative is continuous.
Just tacking on to the above answer: Continuity is generally associated with smoothness. So C^0 means that a curve or surface is continuous and has no gaps, but may have some sharp bends. C^1 continuity means that the equation associated with the curve or surface exhibits first derivative continuity. C^2 is the same as C^1, except second derivative continuity.
So what is the exact statement here? Sorry I am a bit out of context probably. But which object are we saying is C^1 / C^2 continuous?
After listening to lecture it seems to be that "in the limit the mesh converges to a C1/C2 surface". Is this correct?
Yup thats correct.