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Lecture 8: Meshes and Geometry Processing (45)

I was wondering if there are any advantages to using a quad mesh versus a triangle mesh? It seems like it would be very simple to transform a quad mesh into a triangular mesh. Are there any examples of situations where a quad mesh would be better?


I guess we may prefer quad mesh over triangle mesh on complex models because there are more degrees of freedom on every single element. The downside of quad mesh is that it requires more computation.


I'm not sure about all of the differences and advantages/disadvantages, but while 3D modeling it is advantageous to have a quad mesh even though it will just get triangulated eventually anyways. Mainly, Catmull-Clark subdivision has a nice smooth appearance, and meshes with nicely flowing quads are easy to texture.


I wonder whether, for particular applications, it's standard to use one mesh type over the other (i.e. gaming, movies). It'd be interesting to learn more about the specific advantages/disadvantages of triangular mesh vs quad mesh.

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