We can calculate this probability by considering any point along the edge of the square and conditioning on it. Then propagate rays so that they hit the edges of the inner convex shape. The angular span of this inner bounding set of rays will give the conditional probability on this point. Finally integrate along the edge(s) of the square to get the probability. Is this right or have I missed something?
is there something we can do with finding the projection of the surface w.r.t. the direction of the ray? Or does this never help because we consider rays from every angle?
is there something we can do with finding the projection of the surface w.r.t. the direction of the ray? Or does this never help because we consider rays from every angle?
We can calculate this probability by considering any point along the edge of the square and conditioning on it. Then propagate rays so that they hit the edges of the inner convex shape. The angular span of this inner bounding set of rays will give the conditional probability on this point. Finally integrate along the edge(s) of the square to get the probability. Is this right or have I missed something?
is there something we can do with finding the projection of the surface w.r.t. the direction of the ray? Or does this never help because we consider rays from every angle?
is there something we can do with finding the projection of the surface w.r.t. the direction of the ray? Or does this never help because we consider rays from every angle?