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Lecture 24: Image Processing (37)

Isn't there some sort of pre-processing of images where you can get all the gradients/edges for use in the classification or regression of images?

Like histograms of oriented gradients - is this something similar?


You can tell in these image that GyG_y is really good at capturing the horizontal lines (since these areas have large vertical changes) and GxG_x is really good at capturing vertical lines (since these areas have large horizontal changes).


The operation G=Gx2+Gy2G = \sqrt{G_x^2+G_y^2} is called the Geometric Mean, with numerous applications ranging from social science to earthquake engineering. In the latter, we use it to combine ground motion acceleration time-histories recorded in two orthogonal directions to obtain a univariate time-history representative of that earthquake.


What happens if edges are purely diagonal? Will the Gx and Gy still capture the right responses?

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