I wonder if film-makers intentionally use differently shaped lens aperture to easily create bokeh effects that would otherwise have to be edited in during post production.
A cool video I saw on intentional choices of bokeh shapes is this video on Toy Story 4. Obviously a major factor of note is that it's entirely CG, so the lens effects have to be faked. But also notably are the choices of using different cameras to represent different characters, and the bokeh are some of the identifiable features of those choices.
I wonder if film-makers intentionally use differently shaped lens aperture to easily create bokeh effects that would otherwise have to be edited in during post production.
A cool video I saw on intentional choices of bokeh shapes is this video on Toy Story 4. Obviously a major factor of note is that it's entirely CG, so the lens effects have to be faked. But also notably are the choices of using different cameras to represent different characters, and the bokeh are some of the identifiable features of those choices.