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Lecture 22: Virtual Reality (41)

What is the maximum resolution in an eyepiece that a human eye can resolve? What is the point of diminishing returns?


@sagnibak Probably when individual pixels are imperceptible to the human eye at the viewing distance? I think that's the rationale behind the design of Apple Retina displays.


will we ever approach the actual FoV of the human eye? We have around 160 degrees, maybe more of actual vision, but VR at this point can't replicate this. Is the issue that the image becomes too distorted to be usable? If so, what are the solutions to this problem? Have any efforts been made to fix this?


I'm curious why the cutout for the eye piece isn't perfectly circular. Does this have to do with how the light rays are directed into the eye?


Why is the FOV of the camera only 100 degrees per eye? Is there a reason for this? Is the limit due to hardware constraints?

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