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Lecture 9: Ray Tracing & Acceleration Structures (5)

This slide is really informative because it forms the basis for understanding of future slides/the general idea of ray tracing. I think visually this slide is very understandable, and it makes clear what Ray Casting is.


I think the depiction of the light source is crucial for illustrating how lighting interacts with the objects in the scene, affecting shadows and shading. Besides the contents of how light source impacts the rendering shown on this slide, it is usually handled by other algorithms like shading models and global illumination methods.


I really like how this model demonstrates ray casting from the eye directly to the intersection points / blocking object of the ray. I was wondering how many different types of algorithms used in film computer graphics use this technique specifically to create 3D renderings? I know the question is specific, but that's generally where my interests lie.


It's neat how this strategy encapsulates the inverse square law of how light disperses by taking a plane on which the image occurs. Then, as light gets further away, it shrinks in both dimensions in the image plane, which means that the light gets dimmer with the square of the distance, exactly as it should.


Ray casting through the pinhole camera model was interesting concept to hear about. I find it similar to looking through a screen door and examining each of the "holes," such that you observe the closest object in your line of sight. It's a very interesting approach that can definitely be connected to pixels on a screen to determine shading and texture!

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