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Lecture 9: Ray Tracing & Acceleration Structures (6)

The Blinn Phong model calculates the pixel's shading via the dot product between the "half-angle" vector and the surface normal:


Are there also allow the light to bounce around, theoretically infinitely, with some absorption rate? I wonder if this is feasible and if the benefits in looking realistic would outweigh the extra time spent computing this.


@nickjiang2378, thanks for the link! I wonder if there's any other shading models frequently used in both professional and casual rendering?


@SuryaTalla22 I think that with absorption and then have light bounce to some reasonably computable finite number would be fine to convince the human eye the rendering is real. like in 2d animation with squash and stretch or motion blur, the goal is to convince the eye what its looking at is "real" and it manipulates the perception of direction, blur, shape, etc. to achieve this.


@AlsonC I read from Wikipedia about a shading model called Gouraud shading. It requires less computational power than phong shading but it significantly less accurate. It is computed in a very similar manner to color in barycentric coordinates(by interpolation). It calculates the shading at each vertex of the mesh and interpolates that. Phong shading on the other hand interpolates the normals from each vertex and then tries to calculate the shadings at each vertex "manually".

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