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Lecture 14: Material Modeling (64)

Although this lecture did not reach this slide, I am very interested in learning more about cloth rendering and the physics behind the renders on this slide. It seems like the computational power to model the complex folds would be infeasible. How do things such as video games that need to render at 30-60fps have things such as realistic hair or cloth physics?


@sean-dooher Hey Sean, I was also curious how video games render these complex materials. Doing some quick research, I found that video game developers actually have the most difficulty rendering Hair and the Human Face. Since Hair is made of so many complex pieces, Video games often work around hair by treating it like a cloth or fur! I also found a cool article describing a new engine that has been identified to quickly render realistic clothing (


I recall the new Tomb Raider games having notable hair physics--it looks like they used AMD's hair simulation library TressFX, which might be worth taking a look into.

On a slightly related note, what Pixar did for Brave to model curly hair was use a mass-spring model--this paper goes into quite a bit of detail about how they did it.

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