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Lecture 17: Intro to Animation, Kinematics, Motion Capture (18)

When motion isn't a sphere, the animation gets more difficult since pieces move at different rates. Even looking at the dog's ears, we see that it's being "pulled forward" by the dog's jump in frame 1 and "pulled back" by the dog's landing in frame 4. I'm sure you can model the dog, place densities on each of the dog's parts, and run a complicated physics engine nowadays, but it's much more impressive that animators back in the day intuitively knew what all parts of the dog should look like at the next frame.


I agree with jpark96. It's kind of interesting too because I feel like my own personal intuitive understanding of what happens in real life were through different animations I see on tv as a younger child. For example, from watching Tom and Jerry, I thought that if you dropped a bowling ball from a table top onto the ground, it will breakthrough the floorboards (which is not the case. there could be a dent however, depending on the material of the floorboards).

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