Lecture 17: Intro to Animation, Kinematics, Motion Capture (19)
It's interesting to note that there are many different types of easing functions available, each following a different curve/spline. Many of these are built into the CSS transition property. Examples can be seen here - https://easings.net/
For those who've used the Unity engine before, you might know that the Lerp function can be used as an ease-in function, and that the function (as implemented in the engine) will never actually reach the target point (since it is taking discretely smaller steps at each timestep), but will come extremely close to it.
The idea of not starting or stopping abruptly reminds me of the logistic function which has very large slope near the middle, potentially representing a high velocity but then flattens out towards either end, resulting in the same ease-in and ease-out feel.
This reminds me of the iMessage bouncy effect. It's so smooth and well done
If I remember correctly, in the Bezier lecture, Professor Kelly mentioned that one of the functions was the ease-in function. Really interesting how mathematics can be used to make something look more aesthetically pleasing.
Following up on @dtseng's comment, the ease-in function was one of the Hermite basis functions H1(t)! Here's the relevant lecture slide: https://cs184.eecs.berkeley.edu/sp19/lecture/7-40/geometry-and-splines
It's really cool to see how everything we've learned so far is finally coming into effect when combined all together. The smoothness of easing in and easing out can probably be represented by mathematical functions as well making it even easier for the animator.
This is just conscious recognition that one must accelerate/de-accelerate an object over a distance if a finite force is in application. Otherwise, to stop abruptly would imply a large amount of energy being delivered to/from the system in a delta function point in time, approaching an infinite force.
It's interesting to note that there are many different types of easing functions available, each following a different curve/spline. Many of these are built into the CSS transition property. Examples can be seen here - https://easings.net/
For those who've used the Unity engine before, you might know that the Lerp function can be used as an ease-in function, and that the function (as implemented in the engine) will never actually reach the target point (since it is taking discretely smaller steps at each timestep), but will come extremely close to it.
The idea of not starting or stopping abruptly reminds me of the logistic function which has very large slope near the middle, potentially representing a high velocity but then flattens out towards either end, resulting in the same ease-in and ease-out feel.
This reminds me of the iMessage bouncy effect. It's so smooth and well done
If I remember correctly, in the Bezier lecture, Professor Kelly mentioned that one of the functions was the ease-in function. Really interesting how mathematics can be used to make something look more aesthetically pleasing.
Following up on @dtseng's comment, the ease-in function was one of the Hermite basis functions H1(t)! Here's the relevant lecture slide: https://cs184.eecs.berkeley.edu/sp19/lecture/7-40/geometry-and-splines
It's really cool to see how everything we've learned so far is finally coming into effect when combined all together. The smoothness of easing in and easing out can probably be represented by mathematical functions as well making it even easier for the animator.
This is just conscious recognition that one must accelerate/de-accelerate an object over a distance if a finite force is in application. Otherwise, to stop abruptly would imply a large amount of energy being delivered to/from the system in a delta function point in time, approaching an infinite force.