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Lecture 17: Intro to Animation, Kinematics, Motion Capture (29)

This is similar to concept of Bezier curve.


That's a really good point! I wonder what interpolation schemes would work best for "different parameter values" other than spaces and shapes.

A minor point - bezier curves don't necessarily intersect their control points.


Apparently, interpolating transformations is quite nontrivial; pbrt has a good short description at


If it is a similar concept to a Bezier curve, I wonder how keyframe interpolation generalizes in higher dimensions with more parameters, since Bezier curves would have to be broken into smaller dimension splines, and perhaps we lose some global behavior between subgroups of parameters for any given keyframe. I wonder how that would affect the visual appearance of the keyframe, if at all, and how it might affect local behavior in a list of consecutive keyframes.


The parameters to be interpolated often encode more than just spatial information. In Adobe After Effects, for example, you can interpolate between keyframes for audio levels, image adjustments, transparency, color changes, and other elements. By default, AE uses Bezier interpolation in which there is a GUI with direction handles so that you can control the shape of the value graph on either side of the keyframe.


I thought this article by Adobe on the different ways to implement keyframe interpolation with Adobe After Effects ( was a pretty cool example of how this is actually done in practice.

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