What is an example of locally editing a mesh such that the manifold property would be broken?
I think an example would be deleting edges cd and ab in the rhombus marked abcd with m in the middle.
I can't tell what that center vertex on the bottom right polygon is, so I'll call it @.
You could also delete edges (a,@) & (@,b) on said polygon, such that the two halves are joined by only a vertex.
What is an example of locally editing a mesh such that the manifold property would be broken?
I think an example would be deleting edges cd and ab in the rhombus marked abcd with m in the middle.
I can't tell what that center vertex on the bottom right polygon is, so I'll call it @. You could also delete edges (a,@) & (@,b) on said polygon, such that the two halves are joined by only a vertex.