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Lecture 9: Raytracing (15)

In reading about ray tracing, I often came across the term "path tracing", which is what is used in most rendering engines today. I'm not sure if we're going to talk about it later, but I learned these are different techniques. Instead of sending out one ray, a path tracer sends out tens, hundreds or even thousands of rays for each pixel. It then averages the values calculated from all the paths that were traced into the scene to get the final pixel color value. It is capable of simulating more realistic light transport within a scene and can give even more accurate simulations of light.


Andrew that's actually really cool, I looked up path tracing to learn more about it and I found this very informative video made my by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It's kind of basic and childish but it does really good job of visualizing and explaining the motivation and implementation of path tracing.

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