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Lecture 15: Advanced Topics in Material Modeling (79)

Do the number of fibers not affect the performance significantly? I would imagine that a cloth would have a lot of fibers, and if we're trying to render something like a character in a game, I feel like it'd be way too intensive to do this.


The image on the right is very cool because I feel like cloths like that have the threads woven very tightly together, to the point where it's really hard to see individual threads. I think it's interesting that you would render a cloth like that by rendering every fiber rather than using some other technique because I feel like it would be very slow to get every thread and put it together. I wonder if there are any other techniques that could be used to render this correctly since you can't really see any fiber threads anyway.


@jadesingh I think what's difficult about the image on the right, if rendered via other methods, is that the buildup of fibers along narrow folds in the fabric is what creates higher opacity, which is also highly dependent on the viewing angle. If a material could be modeled which maps perhaps the number of overlapping fibers in one location to the opacity of the surface, this might work well--but I'm not sure how projections on the material and view angle dependence would change, or whether it would be an accurate approximation. Nonetheless, an interesting challenge!

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