This page will be updated throughout the semester with course resources such as section materials.
Class Logistics:
Building and Submitting Assignments:
- Building CS184 Assignments - A comprehensive guide on how to set up your machine to compile and build CS184 assignments
- Submitting CS184 Assignments - A comprehensive guide on how to submit your CS184 assignments
Readings Relevant to Assignments:
- Image as Data - An article on how image are represented and accessed as data
- Primer on Vectors and Matrices in CGL - A primer on how to use vectors and matrices provided in the CGL library
Section Materials:
week | date | worksheet | solution |
1 | 01/21 - 01/22 | No discussion this week | N/A |
2 | 01/28 - 01/29 | HW0 | N/A |
3 | 02/04 - 02/05 | Sampling, Transforms, & Texture Mapping | link |
4 | 02/11 - 02/12 | Splines & Curves | link |
5 | 02/18 - 02/19 | Half-Edges and Ray-Surface Intersection | link |
6 | 02/25 - 02/26 | Ray Tracing and Radiometry | link |
7 | 03/03 - 03/04 | Probability and Monte Carlo Estimators | link |
8 | 03/17 - 03/18 | Cameras and Light Fields | link |
9 | 03/31 - 04/01 | Animation and Simulation | link |
10 | 04/07 - 04/08 | Exam Review and Project Help (Piazza announcement) | link |
11 | 04/21 - 04/22 | Colors, Sensors, and Light Fields | link |